12 Java Resources for the Modern Developer
By: Jeff Adelman
As a software developer, one of the most important skills you can cultivate in yourself is the ability to learn new things. Keeping up with industry trends, learning new technologies, and constantly improving your own skill set is an endless endeavor. With that in mind, here are some of my favorite resources for keeping up-to-date with Java trends and improving your Java skills.
Off-Heap from JavaPubHouse
This podcast from the creators and members of the Chicago Java Users Group brings together a panel of Java industry professionals to discuss the latest news and trends in the world of Java.
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From the same group that created the Off-Heap podcast, this is a podcast by developers for developers. It discusses Java-related topics, such as multi-threading, memory leaks, and data structures. The creators do a great job of breaking the topics down and making them easy to understand.
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Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
Clean code is simple, easy to understand, and — most importantly — makes finding and correcting bugs painless. Writing clean code is an essential skill for any developer. This book walks you through the differences between clean code and code that will make your teammates want to claw their eyes out. This book is essential reading for every developer of any language, and since all the examples are in Java, it’s especially relevant to Java developers.
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Cracking the Coding Interview
Along with being great for interview prep, this book is a great practical resource on data structures and algorithms in Java.
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Every developer who has been coding long enough knows about “the zone.” It’s that place where you’re so absorbed in your work that the outside world — and time — seem to fade away. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi spent decades studying this phenomenon and lays out here why “flow” is not only desirable, but singularly productive and ultimately essential for human happiness.
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Debugging Teams
“Software development is a team sport.” That quote from Chapter 1 sums up the essence of this amazing book about creative teams and how to be both a great team member and leader.
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Java Users Group
Search Meetup.com for your local Java Users Group. If there isn’t one in your area, start one!
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Curated News
Java Weekly
This weekly email newsletter has all the latest Java news.
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Google Alerts
With Google Alerts, you can create your own email alerts and receive periodic updates on the latest topics, such as “Java,” “Spring MVC,” or “Spring Boot.”
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Algorithms, Part I
This is a free course from Coursera covering elementary data structures, sorting, and searching algorithms, all in Java.
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Algorithms, Part II
This course, as continuation of Part I, covers graph and string-processing algorithms.
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Code 401: Java
Of course sometimes you need a more intensive setting to learn a new concept faster. As a Code Fellows alum, I highly recommend their Code 401: Advanced Software Development in Java course.
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Check out these resources, and comment below if you have any to share!
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