Alumni Spotlight: Rae — From Yoga Instructor, Nanny, and Server to CEO, Designer, and Developer

Code Fellows
Aug 25, 2022


“Before Code Fellows, I was working 3 jobs, I was stressed, I was tired, and I still was having a hard time making ends meet. I didn’t have a background in computer science or coding, I remember that first day flew by, the instructors and the people in my group just all felt really great to be around. If you do that first 101 class and the time goes by super fast, then don’t be afraid to take the leap” — Rae Helsel

Feeling inspired by Rae’s story? Spend a day with us to find out if a career in tech is right for you! See upcoming 101 workshops in Software Development or Cybersecurity, or schedule a call with our admissions team to find out more.

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