See What Students Build in Code 401: Python

Code Fellows
3 min readJan 20, 2018


We recently featured the projects that students create in Code 201and Code 301 during project week — the final week of their course.

Check out what students built for their capstone project in Code 401: Python. In a single week, these developers apply what they spent the last nine weeks learning — not only the Python programming language, but Django, Pyramid, a host of data structures and algorithms, advanced programming best practices, and much more.

Their goals on each project ranged from trying new technology, to addressing a real market need, to incorporating frameworks and libraries they’d never worked with before, just to push their skill set further.

Here is just a sampling of the impressive projects built in one week by Python developers at Code Fellows.


This mood-tracking app integrates Microsoft’s Emotion API to assess a user’s mood based on eight emotion readings: anger, contempt, fear, disgust, happiness, neutrality, sadness, and surprise. It returns a graphical visualization of the mood reading, plus song recommendations based on what the user is feeling. Users can also keep a daily journal or opt to log in with their face instead of a text password.

The Devs Who Built It: Michael Shinners, Megan Flood, Zach Taylor, Jacob Carstens, and David Franklin

See the Project »

2. Cryptomonsters

There’s been a lot about blockchains and crypocurrency in the news lately. This project also mines for treasures, but instead of currency, users collect a full ledger of monsters.

The Devs Who Built It: Mark Reynoso, John Jensen, Cody Dibble, and Chaitanya Narukulla

See the Project »

3. Write-Me

While every dev knows the importance of README files in a project, they are too often low priority — or worse, overlooked. Now users can get a headstart on their READMEs with Write-Me. This tool searches the codebase, filepaths, docstrings, framework specifications, and other project data to generate a README file — complete with proper formatting. The README will be automatically generated with a project overview, documentation, URLs, development tools, a license, contributors, and much more.

The Devs Who Built It: Chelsea Dole, Matt Favoino, Darren Haynes, Chris Closser, and Gabriel Meringolo

See the Project »

4. Electric Slide

Electric Slide solves slider puzzles through machine learning, demonstrating three separate algorithms. Users can see the puzzles solve one at a time, or click Solve All to race the algorithms against each other to see which one works the fastest.

The Devs Who Built It: Megan Flood, Joseph Kim, Nathan Moore, and Mark Reynoso

See the Project »

What will you build? See what you’ll learn in Code 401: Advanced Software Development in Python »

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